Both of you offered good information, Thank you(Arigoto)
True I am not old enough to have voted against Bush, though where I able too I would have gladly voted Democrat. I am what would be considered "Green party".
Info on Green party:
The Green Party of the United States
As for the Aspergers thread I am still looking through it though so far the only information I am reading is second hand and assumptions. The key to remember about Aspergers is not that we dislike social interaction, but rather we desire it but lack certain components that Neurologically typical people are born with and use without ever knowing it(such as being able to read changes in tone, distinguishing between Sarcasm and normal statements, etc.)
What I seek is info about Aspergers in Japan based upon first hand experience or knowledge based on info gained through relatives who have gone to live there. I shall continue to read the linked thread.
Thank you again for your time and resourceful information.