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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
09-26-2010, 07:32 AM

"Oldtimer" Chiuchimu has been a member here exactly a month. And please, call your gal "omae". She will surely be impressed.

I know you didn't come here do be judged, but this is a forum. People ask questions, and give opinions. If several people think you are taking the wrong approach, it might be worth considering their opinions.

But lets not underestimate my girlfriend's ability to stand up for herself and not subject her life to a boyfriend who fails to show her proper respect.

You are calling her nicknames when she wants to be called by her given name. That's how you described it. In my head, that's not respecting her wishes.

I always treat everyone with the most respect that I can.

Then call her by the name she wishes you to address her as.

MMM - The point of the FB chat story and the word sempai was to demonstrate that I understood that the term is one of honor. To an american it is notable that someone who would in all respects seem to be a peer, a complete equal, would use a term of respect simply because the other person is one year older.

But they are not in all respects a peer, or a complete equal. They are from different grades and are different ages. It is black and white.

As for bijin, I had no idea if the word would be used by japanese speakers as a nickname or address in the way an american would say "Hey, Beautiful" as a way to address a woman.

Nope. Never. It would be like saying "Hey, attractive woman!"
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