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(#8 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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09-26-2010, 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
I believe this is the answer WhiteDay is searching for.

Up in the top-right of any specific post is the text "permalink." Copy the link there and you can link directly to a specific post.

Here's the post I'm talking about:

Originally Posted by student95
Then since ありがとございます is in future tense - and it is unsuitable for use to thank people when they will deliver the service - what is the appropriate way of using it? [/student]

You use it when someone did something for you just now.
You dropped a pen and I picked it up.
You asked me where the post office was and I answered.
You asked for the salt and I tossed it to you.

If a job that has taken me a more than a few minutes to perform has just finished now, you must say ありがとうございました. The 3 examples above were done in a matter of seconds, so it's different.

Finally, if someone offers to do something at a future time, you say ありがとうございます. Future times include "tonight", "this weekend", "when I have some time", etc.
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