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(#18 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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09-26-2010, 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
Yeah that new post amazed me. I didn't think about the real world difference of American Vs British English. In America, the 'sorry' stems from the phrase "I'm sorry for your lose". now, its shorten to 'sorry'. Instead of an apology, it means an expression of sorrow here in the U.S. Is "sorry' used mostly for apologies in the U.K.?
Yes. If I were to say "My boyfriend dumped me yesterday (TnT) ", my American friends might say "I'm sorry," but all my British friends would say something different, like "Oh how awful," or "Oh no! What happened? Are you alright?". *laughs* If one of them said "I'm sorry," I'd probably ask "Why, what did you do?!"

A lot of my friends are Japanese-language students, so we muddle Japanese up with english as well, "Come on guys, we're late! Let's get ikimashou-ing!"
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