Discussion: Foreigners in Japan 二本に外国人 -
09-27-2010, 01:11 AM
I've been learning Japanese for three years, which isn't much. Pretty soon I'll be graduating from college and, hopefully, teaching English overseas in Japan. I've always wanted to live for at least a year in Japan, but I'm worried about infringing on the citizens, and any people already teaching there. I know Japan is a small island, and overpopulated already, and more and more people are fleeing for Japan in these troubling economic times.
Therefore, I'm wondering, even though I've wanted to live there for a long time, what's the situation over there? Is there still a need for English teachers? I'm interested in hearing from everyone.
すみません、日本語が悪いよ。。。三年間、日本語を勉 強しました。来年、大学を卒業して、日本へ英語を教え て行くつもりです。一年間、日本に住みたいですが、安 心しています。日本は小さい島で、たくさんの人があり ます。毎日、もっと人が日本へ行っているので。。。
そして、日本に住みたいですが。。。いいですか。英語 の先生がまだほしいですか。英語を書いてください。 (I probably butchered that, but I'm still interested in practicing my Japanese. I'm open to corrections!)