On the topic of nutrition, I was always under the impression that microwave food wasn't nutritious (like TV dinners and stuff like that). It might be nutritious if you eat just one of those per meal, but I think any grown man could eat like 4 of those which would kind of defeat the purpose. I used to eat those a lot growing up though...
I guess it's hard to do shopping for just one person... if you really plan things out it can be done, but it is quite a pain. Even if you overbuy and end up having to throw things out, you'll still probably spend less than eating out a bunch. Cooking is hard at first, but usually you start to get better and better. To me the hardest part about cooking is... cleaning up

There is something a little さびしい about cooking and cleaning up by yourself, but along the same lines as that is going out all by yourself. Some places are just hard to go to all alone!
Also, one other thing that I failed to think about was transporting what you get at a store to where you're gonna live. That can prove to be quite difficult, especially if you don't have a car. This will result in multiple trips to the store per week. Also, having an apartment will usually result in a small fridge, so it's hard to stock up on things when they are on sale because you start to run out of room. That's one of the advantages of Hokuriku, you can get away with having a small fridge in the winter because your entire apartment virtually becomes an entire fridge (and occasionally a freezer...). That means that you can cook soup or curry and not have to put it in your firdge because it will actually be kept cooler outside! How's that for ecomonical thinking
edit: and your beer never gets warm