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(#10 (permalink))
Jammy (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 7
Join Date: Sep 2010
09-27-2010, 07:35 AM

I've been working hard, now this is what i'm coming up with :

Now let's have a quick look at the background : I believe from what I have read so far that we are talking about a religious movement in Japan (I've heard there are a lot of them all throughrout the country). Now this movement has followers coming everyday (to pray, receive teachings or I don't know).
Now thisnis what I uderstand from the text :
"So, followers whose soul is not high enough, or followers who do not have the required qualification are not welcome and they should go away (they should leave the movement). Now they may gain the required qualification and come back to the movement. If when doing so they get a warm welcome, it means that everyting is ok, god is willing to let them in, their return is allowed by god."

Now the next sentence is not very clear :
ですから行く時には決して行っち ゃならんなんて言いません。うちの家内だったって、〝 行く〟と言うなら黙ってます。

Feel free to post your ideas

Best regards

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