09-27-2010, 07:59 AM
TO NYRORIN--------------sorry I haven't got the hang of taking quotations and transplanting them yet? Sorry so this is for Nyrororin-- oh HOW do I spell your name?
Re your previous response to me--------really? You really think so?
Of course she is an individual although raised strictly in Japan and very aware of the culture of course.
She tells me that whenever she returns to Japan her family say she no longer behaves as a Japanese. I am not sure in what way of course. Maybe she is more open than perhaps may be seen as correct in Japan.
SHe had a very hard life as a child working in the paddy fields just after the war. Work is very important to her.
It is the expressions she puts on her face that make me laugh---- yet she says Japanese must not show their feelings. Its quite amusing really-- she is a lovely woman-- well I think so anyway.
Thinking about it more-----Maybe I do mean CHILD_LIKE rather than childish. She does not stamp her feet or have tantrums as a child might do-- so yes-- I guess I mean-- CHILD-LIKE!!!
Ps when I play with my youngest grand-children-- I can also revert to my childish ways-- and have lots of fun with them-- become child-like again.
Last edited by dogsbody70 : 09-27-2010 at 08:08 AM.