Originally Posted by Kaede
However, I am not very skillful at soccer.
To be anal-retentive, though, I would change じゃ to では for stylistics. じゃ sounds a little too casual to go with ありません, which isn't casual by any standards. I've noticed that many learners outside of Japan are taught to use じゃ in a sentence like this one, so I don't really know what to say to them.
It's "correct" but isn't too natural-sounding is what I'm going to stop at.
I also have a question regarding the use of 'みる' found in my text book:
Shall we go to see them now?
I've noticed you use 'みるに' rather than 'みに' for sentences like this. Could you explain to me why this is? (Just for clarification, the Japanese dialogue in my book is written in romaji, so it is definitely using 'mi ni' rather than 'miru ni'.)
Where have you seen us (me?) use みるに?
これからみにいきましょうか is entirely correct. You
cannot replace みに by みるに.