Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Amazing. Some of the slang is clearly U.S. influenced, but the other parts are very localized.
If I was to say "That was Gangsta" or "That was brill" in the states, people would give me blank stares. Very interesting topic.
Just for the record, chiuchimu, "That was gangsta" was a phrase used in the states (at least southern CA) in like 1999. If you said that now, I suspect it would be taken humourously unless you're friends with the types of people who would actually say that.
I haven't heard brill in the states, but i've heard some English friends using it.
I've actually noticed some grammatical differences between the US and the UK but I can't really remember any right now... I've heard people from England say we Americans ruined the language, but man have I heard some butchered sounding English from over there.
I find England to be very similar to Japan in that they are both small island countries and they both have a ton of dialects/accents.