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JustinRossTso (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 162
Join Date: Sep 2010
09-28-2010, 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by MuRaSaKiiNkI View Post
For a temporary stay of up to two years, you do not need to speak Japanese. And, since you aren't born in Japan, you cant' really stay for longer unless your visa is renewed by a business or school. Plenty of non-Japanese speakers temp live in Japan, my friend's one. She teaches English, and she's learning Japanese too (she has to!)

So yeah, study abroad is pretty easy, actually, if your college has a program. If not, there are plenty Japanese language programs overseas that house students and teach them for a couple months. Plan tickets are only around $1,300 round trip. The catch, you'll have to research them. Japanese Universities also have Japanese programs, but the board is more expensive.

P.S. if you have any problems with Japanese grammar, I can help you out! I'm also learning Japanese, on my 4th year!
Awww... I guess I'd have to give up my Canadian Citizenship if I really wanted to stay huh? I wonder how I can become a permanent resident.

The plane ticket is no problem for me, but finding the problem can prove to be a challenge to me.

Thank you! I'm still working on the words... I can't really use grammar without words... and can't use words without grammar.
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