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chiuchimu (Offline)
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09-28-2010, 04:25 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
That's the point though isn't Nyororin. To us they can appear childish. We are not Japanese and were not brought up in their culture. You are right that judgements are being made based on our own cultural viewpoints but how else can we judge? We can't help the way things appear to us even if we do accept that in Japan they may look at it differently. As I've said many times previously even if we understand the cultural reasons behind why some things happen the way they do here it doesn't mean we have to accept them as good things. We can still dislike them!
Originally Posted by GoNative
I couldn't agree more. I'm exactly the same person here in Japan as I was back in my home country. I'm not going to change the person I am just so I fit in better. That doesn't mean being direspectful or arrogant. That's not the sort of person I am. But I'm not changing the way I dress or my personality just to be accepted more. Accept me as I am or not at all. Doesn't overly worry me.
Sounds like, "If you're a Japanese in my country, whatever you do for whatever cultural or personal reasons, we natives don't have to like it." what that leads to, I don't want to speculate.
but as far as you in Japan "I'm going to do what I want, I don't care what the Japanese think or the fact that I'm a guest in their land".
It sounds clear to me, the only reason you are in Japan is for the snow. you don't particular like the culture or people and hence always have a negative criticism of Japan. People like you, DON'T belong in Japan. Find your snow somewhere else.

whether I go to your country or you go to mine, we should both behave in at least a minimal acceptable behavior relative to the host.

Last edited by chiuchimu : 09-28-2010 at 04:32 AM.
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