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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
09-28-2010, 07:49 AM

While the majority of my post was about stealing, I'm not talking solely about that at all. My fear is that censorship will be taken as far as blocking certain things said about certain people... you know, stuff of that ilk. Censorship could easily become a politically and/or religiously motivated thing.

That's a "slippery slope" argument. Something good happening might lead to something bad happening in some reality. Therefore that good thing should not happen. I do not subscribe to that logic.

A child could answer that question, but unfortunately adults often cannot. While it's obvious that stealing is illegal and wrong, bad words or making fun of god etc. seems to be like a gray area.

Who said anything about banning bad words or making fun of "god"? The language of the proposed law doesn't allow for that.

I've had to make very expensive international calls to be able to transfer a program from an old computer to a new one. When those companies don't comply, I don't see a problem with downloading a cracked version of their program. I'm not gonna spend $500 on the same thing twice... It's not like I have any intention of using the software on two computers. Those might not be the best examples, but I think that gives you an idea of how I feel about it.

If a company doesn't have customer support, then that is their fault, if you are a legitimate customer.

I had no idea about that. Unfortunately, however, that program will be on that CD forever, so I can't load it into my MP3 player. I can always go to a CD rental shop and see if I can rent it and try to load it on my MP3 player that way.

A mistake by one company five years ago for a handful of weeks does not give the public free license to steal. There was a time not too long ago when you bought a CD it meant you could listen to that CD on your CD player, and not much more than that. There is this sense that buying a CD or DVD means you OWN THE LICENSE to that material, and that is not the case.

"What is the moral objection to Internet in the living room?"
I'm thinking that there will be people who want to make a "family experience" out of it. To me, this implies two things: censorship and making money. They can censor it in the guise of protecting morals. That kind of censorship might include the same kind of thing you see in American radio and TV already (and youtube to some extent). I say "guise", though, because I think that censorship can be used by companies to protect their share of what is available (on a website like youtube, which is what I'm thinking about when it comes to "the livingroom"). Making money will happen by advertisers, and maybe making certain videos pay per view (kind of like on digital television in America). Advertising has already started in certain youtube videos, which I'm sure we've all noticed. I've seen advertisements on videos that people make in their own homes. I've heard of regular old people who do reviews getting a hold of products from companies to review on their youtube channels. I think the established media sources don't like this. These people are their competatitors. While a single person can't come close to a whole company, if every other person with a camcorder gets involved it might spell out trouble. I personally think that companies aren't that afraid of going under because of this... the top guy just wants that extra .03% so he can go to the bahamas or buy a bumper boat pool or whatever those ultra rich people do (which I'm quite interested in doing myself ). I understand where these companies are coming from, but I think it's at too high a cost.

But this has nothing to do with "morality".

There are obviously really repulsive aspects of this whole thing though... like certain types of pornography and that kinda jazz. I would love to see that kinda thing be gone forever, but I certainly don't want some greedy people using that as a vehicle to start censoring every other thing.

So you do want a morality filter on the Internet? Which is it? You want the things you think are repulsive gone, but not the ones you don't. Thankfully the Internet doesn't work like that.
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