Advice for Backpacking in Japan -
09-28-2010, 08:15 AM
Yes, yes... some may call me insane, stupid or whatnot... but I aim to backpack in Japan for a couple weeks during April/May (Whenever my exams finish...)
First order of business... does anyone know any efficient ways to deal with airfare? I haven't seen any topics during my two days of lurking... so... ideas?
Next, I checked out the hotels topic - that was immensely helpful - no questions needed.
Three... I'm under the impression that Tokyo is small - tiny - miniature. Would it be practical to walk everywhere? I mean, I live in Toronto and I bike/blade everywhere 'cause everything's just so close. Then again... I have biked out to Aurora, up Yonge street...
Next... what exactly should I bring - I want to travel as light as possible. Chances are, I'll be wearing some of my custom clothing so I can just stuff everything I need in a pocket. However, there's the question of toiletries, a change of clothes, etc. As much as I like traveling light, I enjoy being clean.
That brings up another question... I have rather long hair and I've seen that the last summer in Japan was absolutely scorching... should I depart with my hair? Being Canadian an' all... the heat really irks me.
A list of awesome places to eat would be helpful. The only condition is that I absolutely detest seafood (yes, yes... I know that this trip is a rather terrible combination for this...). Hopefully, I'll be able to pick up some recipes, though. Learning is good.
Err... what else...? I was wondering if I should see some other places like Osaka and Kyoto. I'm a double major in religion and philosophy and a minor in East Asian Studies (Japan)... so... I figured I should check out some temples. In fact, I'm contemplating spending a few days there as a monk (layman).
On another note... is there anywhere I should scout for snowboarding? I mean, I'll be heading over there for an exchange trip that coming September school-year... it'd be absolutely awesome if I could board a bit while I'm there.
I think that's all, for the moment.