Originally Posted by Desstile
I want to see Hiroshima Peace Park, the cherry blossom trees in bloom (though I think it may be too late in may), Tokyo, just...everything.
That's actually pretty far from everything. In May cherry blossoms will still be blooming in Hokkaido. And if you want amazing sights, that island should definitely be on your "must-see" list. Few visitors make it there, and it will allow you to see Japan from a different angle. Also, if you're into culture and don't want to limit yourself to the usual stuff, and would like to learn more about Ainu, Hokkaido is the place to go.
I think picking up a guidebook would be a good place to start. I know it sounds horrible, but it seems to me that you should read it cover to cover and then make a list of all the things and places that sound interesting to you. And then, based on that, prepare your itinerary.
Then, you can ask on here if your itinerary is doable in one month.
Japan is quite big (even though it may look small on the map) and there is so much to see from Okinawa to Hokkaido (with everything in between), that it's quite difficult to suggest something if all you say is "just... everything".