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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
09-28-2010, 06:57 PM

[quote=Swordmaster;830905] Hours? It takes hours to get from Shibuya to other districts? Erm... scaling was never a specialty of mine... but seriously... I figure that Japan is incredibly tiny compared to Ontario... I figure that it'd be a walk in the park... I guess not... I'll still walk everywhere, probably. That's insanity for you, at its height, mind you. The entire country of Japan is about 1/3 the size of Ontario.

I guess I am confused as to what you want to do. Are you wanting to backpack Tokyo, or get out there and see more of the country? Backpacking Tokyo seems a little silly, to me. I am not sure why you would want to walk everywhere spending all day getting from one place to the next when you can get there for $1.50 in 10 or 15 minutes. It isn't like most of Tokyo is really beautiful to look at.

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
Also, what's so bad about "making a statement"? I do that here and I haven't been shot, kidnapped, reprimanded, etc. yet... I mean, my hair is down to my posterior, that draws attention as is, and I don't think I'll have the heart to take a blade to it.
Since you asked, it makes things harder for other foreigners living in Japan when people come over and draw a lot of attention to themselves. It isn't a big deal.

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
The question of heat is: it may be alright for you, but is it alright for me? I've earned the nickname "snowman" among friends. If I'm out any more than I am, during the summer, I'm sure I'll melt.
April/May should be fine....June it starts getting warmer.

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
As for recipes... I think I went ahead of myself... it's not like there are English recipe books... over there, I mean.
I guess the more important question is, where are you planning on cooking?

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
As for seafood - it's not all they have, for sure; but, it's no small part of their diet, I think.
You can easily survive in Japan without ever eating fish.

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
Specifically, Sam's comment on being small enough to fit into their clothes... that's a blow to the ego, if I've ever seen one. I may be half Japanese, and short... but I have a strong build. Japanese people, being the twigs they are... it'd be tight, methinks... I'll just retreat to my corner now...
They aren't all twigs. Trust me.

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
Hm... so... what I gather is that I'll probably take two other sets of clothes, other than the ones I would wear...

a coin pouch for the yen coins...

a travel towel...

soap/shampoo/conditioner mix...

a phrase dictionary...

and a lock...
Just curious, where are you planning on staying at night? Backpacking in Japan is different than in Europe. You can't just sleep on a bench or put up a tent in the park. I guess I am not understanding the plan well.
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