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(#9 (permalink))
Swordmaster (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 47
Join Date: Sep 2010
09-28-2010, 07:11 PM

Err... I suppose I really should just get a rail pass and take the train...

As for cooking... I was originally just thinking about picking up recipes and bringing them hope to make - but it doesn't really work too well since I wouldn't be able to read the recipe. That, and I can just search it up over here...

I hope they don't have weird temperatures like we did over here...

As for the fact of them being not being complete twigs... that's a relief... I can get extra clothes!

As for staying the night, I looked at some of the hostels - they look rather well-priced for this frugal university student. Although, I will intend to stay at a ryokan for a night in the very least.

As for being a foreigner... there's not way they'll know, unless I keep this terrible tan and open my big mouth.
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