Thread: Introductions
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MuRaSaKiiNkI (Offline)
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hello! - 09-29-2010, 02:34 AM

Name: Kimani
Coming to you from: Michigan, US
First Breath: Dec 10th 19xx
intentions and whatnot: Um...I like meeting new people, going to new places, and eating new foods. Online isn't very personal, but I see it as a tool to develop the base introductions, and then move onto long-lasting relationships. I plan on going to Japan, so I'm looking for all the Japanese friends I can get while I'm staying there. Other than that, something to do on my free time!
why do you want to go to japan: Because I love travel, and Japan has a very interesting history and cultural background. I don't much like pop culture, or the 'new generation,' whom have become (in general) more American-ized, forgetting their roots. I much prefer the oldschool perfect blend of great technology, and a respect for nature and humility. Not that being American is bad, but I celebrate variety and differences between cultures, when one is being influenced too much by another, it always ends in cultural suicide. So, I just want to catch a glimpse of oldschool Japan before it fades into the background.
Random: I like mangoes, languages, and cats. meow.
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