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09-29-2010, 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by JustinRossTso View Post
Umm I'll consider it if I really really like the place. I've only been at the airport so I can't Judge. I'll have some time to decide though, and in that time maybe I might seen different parts of Japan. Canada doesn't suck (I'm sure that is sarcasm), but I'm always looking for something different.

Thanks for the link ;D!
Awww, give Canada a chance! I really have a lot to live up to being an American, we are hated, tolerated, or liked based on our government and foreign affairs. However, even though I admire many things about other countries, and want to teach my children overseas, I will always be loyal to America. I mainly want to travel and want my children to travel, to be better educated with global affairs. I want to improve America through learning about it's position in relation to other countries. A country's image is really important.

So, basically, you shouldn't drop Canada just for Japan. Even though I love Japan, there's bad stuff too: like hentai, 'date' games, and a conservative marriage system. I'm not bashing Japan or America, every country has faults and awesomeness. I want to travel to Canada too, it's very interesting to me, and I think you should be proud of your citizenship.
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