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(#19 (permalink))
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godwine (Offline)
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09-29-2010, 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by Swordmaster View Post
Ack... I guess it really is pretty big... that's not daunting, in the least...

As for being a foreigner... I suppose it isn't too bad if I attract friendly attention... I guess I'll make the most of being a foreigner.

What are you saying Nakamura? We could go together! (Everyone knows that if I go alone, it'll be MegaTokyo all over again...)

As for my hair... do you think there are many/any Japanese people with hair that long?

My reason for going to Japan - I'm not going because it's big. I'm going because it's awesome. It'll be a good prelude to my studies during my stay and about Japan.

What can I say? I'm adventurous.
I have definitely seen guys and girls with hair that long in Japan, not common, but they are out there....

Trust me, they can spot a foreigner from miles away. I speak the language, although may not be proper grammar, but nevertheless, I speak the language. I dress like they do... and as a bonus, I am oriental. BUT, they can still tell I am not locals.. even without talking to me. People who do walk up to me (Sales people) either start speaking mandarin or English to me........
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