Originally Posted by Swordmaster
Vertical? There are tall Japanese people? They're probably of mainly Korean/Chinese descent...
*boot to the ego* My japanese uni has a rugby team. All 100% Japanese, and yes, pretty tall. And broad. And there was the 6' trannie guy too. and numerous girls my hight (I'm 5'5ish). And a lot of short people too.
Originally Posted by Swordmaster
And, yes... my hair is down to my rear. Well... my upper thigh...
Let's face it, that's not really common MOST places.
Originally Posted by Swordmaster
Calgary? It's hot over there... heck... I was dying during the summer over here.
Is it? I was misled then. They told me it was like... minus stupid degrees C. -40 or something.
Originally Posted by Swordmaster
so I suppose I could try some seafood dishes... if I like the stuff and get addicted to it, like teriyaki, I shall blame you...
Teriyaki isn't seafood; it's the name of the sauce. :P I'm not taking the blame if you become a chicken teriyaki addict.