Thread: Akihabara
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Columbine (Offline)
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09-29-2010, 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Anyone know if Den Den Town, the Osaka version of Akihabara, has also changed to more services lately? When I was there in the mid 90's, it was almost all small electronic stores, though there were also some duty-free gift shops selling things like kimonos and laquerware. There were no maid cafes or manga shops there back then, though there was 1 small manga shop I knew about 3 or 4 few blocks away on a side street.

Perhaps those still looking for a more traditional Akiba experience might go there instead, unless it has changed too...
I was there in 2008, but others might have more recent info. I don't recall any duty-free shops, but there's several HUGE anime/gaming stores now and a big modelling/minatures shop too. I'm told there are maid cafes and stuff there, but I never really looked for them so I've no idea really. But still, lots of electronics stores too, especially the smaller ones.

What's the other one in Tokyo...Ikeburo? Ike---something.

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I saw a bunch of ----- from England who were acting like idiots in Asakusa wearing costumes found in Akihabara. People don't mind cosplayers in Harajuku, but the old people don't care to see them (particularly foreign cosplayers) at the Sensoji temple, it's not very respectful.
Urghhh.... I'm so sorry.
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