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(#23 (permalink))
Swordmaster (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 47
Join Date: Sep 2010
09-29-2010, 06:57 PM

They won't care if I'm a foreigner? I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing...

On another note... my ego is dying here... why couldn't I have been a bit taller instead of stronger? Geeze... genetics has twisted ways of compensating.

And, yes, I think my hair is rather unique (eccentric!).

Concerning temperature... do you have any idea how cold -40 celcius is?! That's... brilliant... Although, I'm good in -10 to 10 celcius. Not too hot, not too cold - and I can wear something over my t-shirt without burning up!

I do realize that teriyaki is the name of the sauce.
I also admit, I'm addicted to teriyaki - yes, I'm addicted to the sauce.
Speaking of which, I'll be making some chicken (stirfry teriyaki, of course) for dinner.


I should probably start scouting flight tickets now...
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