Thread: Akihabara
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(#36 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
09-30-2010, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
But there is nothing wrong with just getting a cup of coffee and relaxing - you don`t have to pay for the maid to come over and talk to you, or spoon feed you, or any of the other silly cutesy services they offer. A maid cafe can actually be cheaper than a regular cafe in the same area if you don`t want any of the service frills - of course, without the frills there is no reason to go to one.
The one I went to had a 30 minute wait to get in and a 2 hour limit to your stay. And the guys wearing their huge bulky costumes would always bump into my arm while passing by. (Yes, there are many cosplay/anime fanatics who dress up to attend these cafes.)

Not exactly the most relaxing atmosphere but it was a worthwhile experience. I nearly picked up one of the maids since she was coming to Canada on a working holiday visa and wanted to spend some more time talking to me. Unfortunately, the exchange of personal info between the customers and maids is forbidden.
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