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Gn4m (Offline)
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This exchange student girl... - 10-01-2010, 01:36 PM

Hey, I'm a Swedish guy in a smaller city, almost 18 years old, who've fallen for a Japanese girl. This girl happens to be an exchange student at our high school, and she will be staying here for almost a year.

The first time I saw her was when I had my first Japanese class in school, she came a little late and introduced herself in for me surprisingly good English. Since I have always had a taste for Japanese girls, it didn't take me long time to decide whether I'd hit it or not.

I haven't had a gf yet, so when I decide to speak to a girl I like, I always tend to be really shy and can't really come up with any good talking subject that would break the formal tension.

I added her on facebook, and had a really good long chat one evening. As she had pretty much just arrived here by then, she wasn't really sure who I were, but as she found my profile, she asked me to say hello in the next Japanese class. And so I did, which also led up to our first real life conversation.

I only have Japanese once a week, for almost three hours though, so that day is naturally my favorite day of the week nowadays.

What my problem really is though, is that I haven't had the guts nor the idea of a good talking subject since that first talk, about two weeks ago. I haven't spoken to her outside the internet since then. And to make it even worse, when I chatted with her some days ago, she told me that the reason for why she's almost never on facebook, is because her exchange organization advices students not to use social networks because they could become homesick and to not make their families miss their children so much.

So I'm stuck in a situation where I don't dare to talk to her, and can't chat to her online either! :S I'm getting kinda stressed as well, because I want to get closer to her before she goes home to Japan! :S

Do you have any advice for me, like what to talk about, what Japanese girls could be interested of, and simply how to make contact in a natural way?

I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

Last edited by Gn4m : 10-01-2010 at 03:52 PM.
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