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Columbine (Offline)
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10-01-2010, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
Hello YURI---I have explained elsewhere about INTO.

I have moved into Japan or I have moved to Japan. I cannot remember the original sentence I'm afraid.
No, I'm sorry Dogsbody, but this is wrong. It can only be 'TO' in this context.

You move TO a country if you're emigrating, because you make one move and then generally you don't intend to keep moving around. A business moves INTO Japan if it is their first venture there, particularly if they intend to expand, so they will move from one location to another, or expand into several.

In Yuri's sentence, "You might agree with me that you should observe the local rules when you move in a foreign country" the general 'you' is the main pronoun, so we've got it in the context of a single relocation, and we're talking about individuals or small family units, not a large business or an army. Hitler (and his army/politics) moved INTO poland. Tesco is moving INTO the Japanese market. But I simply moved TO Japan.
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