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(#26 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-01-2010, 08:36 PM

sorry robin I do believe children need mothers and fathers. I grew up with no family at all and how I would have loved a dad.

In the adoption world maybe many men walked away when they got the girl pregnant-- especially in the pre sixties and many kids were adopted because the mothers were treated as pariahs. Many men skipped all that but what man in his heart doesn't really want his own child?

If they have a conscience at all. I know of plenty of men who long to have contact with their child. Its wrong when they are prevented apart from men who abused the mother or child.

As for gay couples raising children-- well I cannot comment on that but if children grow up in a loving family with both male and female in their lives it should be better for them.

There are many complaints that there are enot enough male teachers. children need experience with both male and female really.

If a dad loves his child he should be allowed proper access as far as is possible when great distances are involved.
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