Originally Posted by Koir
That's most likely correct. Now can we get this thread back to Yuri learning about proper English usage instead of native speakers arguing over minutiae?
Urgh, I agree; the threads gotten really messy. This is why I avoid adding a second correction to anything after someone's given a correction, it just gets confusing, but really, is it fair to sit back and let Yuri be told something that's not actually 'proper English usage'? Ok, it's only a small thing, but in English the little things like prepositions and articles are difficult for non-native speakers to get their heads around and can be pretty important. It's subtle, but a preposition can change the meaning or emphasis of a whole sentence, just like swapping は and が around can in Japanese.
ゆりさん、大変迷惑をかけてしまってごめんなさい〜ToT ;