The tv station is in the US. I'm so sorry but I can't tell the name of the tv station here. There are a couple of reasons why I'm doing this personally. The biggest reason is that there is a law in the US that prohibits companies from collecting data from children under 13 without a permission of their parents. (The law was designed to protect children's online safety) I think 99.99% of the participants are over 14 but have no way to verify that if I conduct this kind of open survey on the internet. I'm sorry if my dishonesty makes you feel bad, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd understand my situation. If you guys are still interested in which tv station I work for, please feel free to email me at japanime2010(at)!
Originally Posted by RobinMask
I also did the questionaire.
I'm curious though - what station do you work for and what countries do you broadcast to?
Originally Posted by CoolNard
This does sound interesting and you seem credible enough. I'll wait for you to clarify all those queries before answering the questionaire. 