Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
yeah vain but wimps ![Big Grin](http://www.japanforum.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif) ?
Like often you see a soccer player trip over or something and he'll just sit on the field holding his foot going ToT, until the nice doctor comes to make it all better. But in rugby you often see them fall over or crack their heads on each other and be bleeding a lot, but they won't want to stop playing. The doctor sometimes has to come over and order them off the field!
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
You're lucky!
Do you still have any of them?
Yes I do! They're all in our attic, with the dollshouse that my grandpa made for my mum when she was a little girl.
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
In my family we call it 外のゴミ箱 or ゴミいれ.
that's right. I sometimes have this conversation with my friends place.
「ゴミ箱ないから その袋に入れておいて。ゴミ袋にし よう。」
『このレジ袋? だめだよ 穴があいてるよ!プラスチ ック(リサイクル)ゴミの袋はどこ?』
えええ、そですか。日本でも、ゴミの言葉はよく換える ね。
*w*何かを学んだ〜garbage = 生ゴミ
I think your description of the four kinds is good. 燃やせないゴミ includes things like old electronic equipment too, right? And sharp things like broken china. We're not supposed to throw them away in the normal rubbish either.
My area is unusual, we have to separate all our rubbish too and my dad also makes a lot of compost for the garden, so we don't actually throw out all our vegetable scraps or tea-bags and things.
So we have:
庭ゴミ (木の枝など)
定ゴミ (煤塵や資源できないプラスチックやお手洗い ゴミや服や段ボール箱)
資源ごみ (紙、あきカン、ペット、グラス便、)
If you want to recycle cardboard, batteries or clothes, you have to take them to a special collection site, and if you want to throw out electronics, you're supposed to take them yourself, or post them to the rubbish people to dispose of. If they're big, like a TV or a fridge, or furniture, you have to arrange for someone to come to your house to collect it.
In my house, we try to be really careful and not buy anything we can't recycle, so we don't throw out much rubbish. It's important, because in our area we can't burn rubbish so it all has to be buried, but there's not much room.
yyttさんのアパートは厳しいそう! We just put ours out once a week in the morning and leave it out for the bin men or recycling people to collect. We only get each thing picked up once every two weeks though, so sometimes if we have a lot of recycling, we have to put it in the garage for a while. >_>;