Originally Posted by Dar
yeah, it was kinda weird, we knew that some of it is japanese and some is ???. im the founder of a paranormal research team, we are about to investigate this giant hotel/ apartments for a documentary. And this one room has these writings on it. we wanted to see if it meant anything that could help out with the investigation. i appreciate the responses. very helpful. any of the part that is japanese... what does it say? are any of those words?
1. doesn't even look Japanese
2. doesn't seem Japanese, but has the sense of entering and it being peaceful/calm (?入平安)
3. looks more like Chinese than Japanese, but it mentions white rice, 100 years, something being good, and other things I don't know.
4. the third says something about a year, but I can't make anything else out.
It's not Japanese, though. Check a Chinese forum. It looks more Chinese than Japanese. But the first looks more like Korean than anything else.