Originally Posted by Columbine
Hmm, I'm not so sure. I live in the country side, so we have an older house and lot of room, but in the cities and suburbs, lots of new houses are really crowded together and they're really small, so keeping things can be really impractical.
Yeah, sure! I just wonder how they deal with the rubbish in London!?
Sounds awesome YYTTsan! I want to build a wormery. It's like a special compost bin you can put in the middle of a vegetable patch for the worms, and then they help your vegetables to grow!
"wormery" sounds great! I love to do organic farm, so I really need their help!
Sometimes we have to pay, but often it's free. If it's still in good condition though, you can usually just sell it to someone else! I don't know what they do with it after they take it away.
It's not easy to sell second hand in Japan, maybe cos many people have got plenty of stuff already.
Actually my parents want to throw a lot of things away like... my father's golf clubs set which was more than 100000yen but we can't find amyone want it!So he will pay to throw away.One of my friends just moved to Yokohama, she wants their old rice cooker, so Im going to bring it to her place next week.That's the only thing they could give away.
They have got some chairs and tables...and lots more!Do you want any?
For some reason there's nowhere to take rubbish for burning. There's a few special places where they burn rubbish to get electricity, but they're not very common, so it all just gets buried. I think you're right, we don't burn rubbish because that makes pollution.
I just wonder where they bring it and buried? Do they make some manmade land or something?
そうですね。私の高校も昔から続く今の時代に合わない ルールがあった。
そして、昨日、サマーウォーズを見た! 本当に面白か った や。 I enjoyed seeing all the locations
Is that や come from where you lived in Japan?
Oh, Did you?!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool!
That's where me living right now!
You should visit me here and make the video together!
You speak in Japanese and me and my students speak in English in it!
Here is a picture around my school!
Can you see the train? That's the train you must have saw in the movie!(there are 3 different type of trains there)