Update for their official online store. They've got a new cell phone strap(1500), a new muffler towel(1500) and new photo set(1000). Also, and perhaps most importantly, they are selling tickets for their one man shows on and at:
11/20- Kumagaya HEAVEN'S ROCK Kumagaya VJ-1
11/21- Utsunomiya HEAVEN'S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2
11/23- Mito LIGHT HOUSE
Tickets at the door for each of these concerts are 4000, doors will open at 16:30, and they will start performing at 17:00.
Besides those places, these are the other dates and places that haven't sold out yet:
11/7- Kobe VARIT.
DELUHI - 音楽ファンのためのグッズ通販サイト/STAR GOODS SHOP