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MuRaSaKiiNkI (Offline)
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10-04-2010, 11:09 PM

Two more! Let's keep at it! Thanks for the lyrical poems yuri! :P <3

And Still, be Still*

One morning I was climbing true,
the ground ashining bright with dew,
and came upon a haughty sign, foretelling--
"Warning: Drop Ahead."

As I was sure ahead was wise,
that turning back would blind my eyes,
to the prospects of the end, I heeded
not the warning sign.

The mountain steeped past all prediction,
and beat the snares of my conviction,
'til at the summit I stopped - fearing
air beneath my feet.

And still, be still,
staring down cavity fatal deep,
cold wind biting so I should weep, holding
fear and thrill at the end.

And still, be still,
lest phantom hand should push me over,
or the kiss of greeny lover, swaying
my feet to take a step.

And still, be still,
signs foretold ill,
repulse the thrill--
should we die or descend the hill?

*written in regards to my Economics class, after we talked about the collapse of the housing market, and the frantic "saving" of banks to avoid economic meltdown

In and Out

I wish you were making that sound while going into me,
while feeling me--
between the sheets--

In and Out
In and Out
It was harmony.

Not make-believe,
it was ecstasy!

So sweet the memory, I forgot completely
the moment of your kiss
is lost to me.

Why can't you read between the lines--

Can't you see the best of me?

The angry fiery love of my retreat,
as you cheat with hands behind me.

The feeling,
the sweet sweet feeling,
of her hair is fantasy--
a dream inside a dream
that no remedy can unbind thee!

You say "love me"
I say NO with a rage-love
that eats me
inside and out
with the motion of our bodies' heat,
rolling soft feet with rough feet.

You cry that sound I wish I could receive

In and Out
In and Out of her
and then I understand.

Love so sweet, it burns me.

Thanks all, and let's get some more traffic up in here, yah! ^_^

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