Yours Rightfully Insolent
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10-05-2010, 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Aniki
When I'll see professional models on a podium wearing costumes from anime then I'll agree with you. But for now, it doesn't matter how many sites advocate or how many pics are out there. Cosplay is just a trend in anime and video game fan circle and it will never be anything bigger than that.
A reply I appreciate a lot better. Thanks. 
They don't have to be worn by models to be globally accepted. When I say globally accepted, it means that you can see a portion of each populace wearing them, every now and then.
I'm not actually basing my perspectives on sites and pics, I recently saw the cafe thing on local news and anime conventions are factual occurences you can't deny either. Cosplay is something that is impregnating the outside reality with its come-to-life fantasies, and its unique and radical outlook. As a fashion statement, it has to be somewhat appealing to young people, no matter how ridiculous it might seem to the older generation.
@Yumikoo Awesome! 
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.