Thread: Akihabara
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10-05-2010, 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by AnaSarich View Post
I found akihabara very interesting. Whether you want electronics of not, it's all about the experience. There are so many things you can buy but all stores are pretty much the same, apart from the odd lil shop. It is full of porn though so you'll be a lil shocked when you walk into a DVD store and find yourself on the porn level lol.

Go for it and enjoy the culture shock!!!
Cool. I don't know why so many people seem uncomfortable or shocked around pornographic goods. From experience, thats all the internet seems to advertise. I guess the shock comes from the way it's on public view. I might have a browse around & find something I like. lol. It sounds (& looks) like a really interesting place, but you'd need money to fully enjoy it.

I'm a Cafe-kko, Nyappy in the World. But GazeRock is not dead. 「Sixth Gun」です

An Cafe, Vidoll, Versailles, Dir En Grey, Deathgaze, the GazettE, alice nine., UVERworld, Kiryu , YUI, AKB48, Buono!, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, S/mileage, Morning Musume, Zoro, Lolita23Q, Visual Kei, Oshare Kei, J-Rock, J-Pop, Idol groups FTW (≧∀≦)
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