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(#28 (permalink))
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spoonybard (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 447
Join Date: Sep 2009
10-05-2010, 09:05 PM

Tainted Reality will be playing K-Pop on Tuesdays. As usual, the show will start at 8pm eastern("new world" time), and you can watch the DJ and chat with others at, or if it isn't working for you or you'd rather listen, you can load the "radio" from Tainted Reality.

For the rest of us who stick to VRock, today's topic for Cure Talk will be the current tours going on(VAMPS, X Japan, Luna Sea, etc) and opinions on why this genre is still a small niche. You can listen at Cure Media USA 24/7 Pure J-ROCK, join the chat on that site, and if you have Skype, add curerockradio and might get the opportunity to give your opinion regarding either of these things during the show. It'll start at 7pm pacific, 10pm eastern, again, in "new world" time.

*Update- Cure Talk's time has been changed to 8pm pacific, 11pm eastern

Last edited by spoonybard : 10-05-2010 at 11:06 PM.
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