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(#13 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-07-2010, 12:16 PM

Not sure about the soul but I wrote this some time ago regarding/ WHAT HAPPENS to children!


"To the father"

How could you leave her, did you Ever Care
Twas lies you whispered in her ear
love just a game to pass the time
till you were told

Soon your baby you will hold

Did you jump for joy? a dad you'd be
oh no that's just a ploy
A wedding?
Help You've some place else to go

"The Mother"

so now she's left all alone
Her parents threw her out
what could a single woman do
Now she's "Up the Spout"

Social Services don't care
"Have it adopted dear"
they whisper in her ear

The Mum to be tries here tries there
but all alone she stays
till in desperations thrall she screams
"Oh God Damn you all"

A Loving Couple are waiting dear
for your precious babe
A better life they'll give her dear
Be sensible--sign here"

So Now the dreadful deed is done.

"To the Child"

Goodbye my darling child
Remember how I loved you
as I held you in my arms
No other choice was there for me
No place to live-No Place to go
No sort of life for You.

your special parents will love you dear
but not as much as I
for every day that crashes past
is one day less that I have spent
with "You" my precious child.

WHen you are grown, please understand
I really had no choice
my love for you

a Painful sacrifice

If in my place you stood

What then would be your choice?
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