Originally Posted by Qayin
I never know that the baum is not famous in Germany!? but I like it anyway (Bourbon is the best for me)
I think about Baum and Valentine (or to some extent brand name goods) is about marketing. Sometime culture evolve from marketing propaganda. I mean, look at Hokkaido's Gengkis Kahn yakiniku. I don't think it's Mongolian food, but the Japanese use this name to bring attention and the name struck.
If you have marketing creativity, you can create new culture!
It is German origin, but not famous throughout Germany. Most Germans won't know what a Buam is.
Same with Hormone yaki, It didn't exist until someone marketed it. I agree with Marketing affecting culture. I think the whole Christmas and Church wedding thing in Japan grew out of clever marketing. Know it's part of Japanese culture though most aren't Christians.