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curiosityshop (Offline)
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Location: England
Talking 10-08-2010, 10:08 PM

Heya! I'm bilingual in French and English (my mum is french) but I'm going to write in English so we don't alienate non French-speakers

I'm also planning to visit Japan around May this year, but I haven't got the exact dates decided yet. I'm going to stay for about 3 weeks, but I've been trying to get as many contacts as possible who are going there around the same time so that if we happen to be in Japan at the same time we can meet up (instead of planning to go together and then being disappointed when someone cancels). I'm 19 by the way, and I'm currently on a gap year before going to university next year ^^

How much Japanese do you know? I've been trying to learn the language rather unsuccessfully since I was 11. If you're learning it too, it would be great if we could practice with each other, and share ideas on where to go on our travels, even if we don't end up meeting! I'm in England by the way. ^^
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