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(#24 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
10-09-2010, 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by kakaislegend View Post
Yes so my final question I guess Communications pretty popular in Japan, is it high in demand like IT or Business related jobs?

Or at the very least, can people with a degree in Communications find a job fairly the same like any other job? Or its going to be super hard because communications isnt popular?
How good is your Japanese? Unlike I/T where programming languages are a common link between the western world and Japan, I'd imagine that communications would probably entail a very good command of the Japanese language. Perhaps at a higher level than the average Japanese citizen depending on the job.

Your best bet would be to find a multinational corporation which has ties to Japan.

I work for one of the worlds largest I/T companies and I had the opportunity to transfer to our Japanese division years ago. Of course I didn't take it because I'd like to have a life outside of work.
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