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edelweiss (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 143
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: San Francisco
10-09-2010, 05:01 AM

1)Do you dream in colour, or black and white?
I never had a black and white dream,
but there are a few people say they never had one with colour!

I think perhaps I've had a few dreams where the color was drained out but not really black and white. I know I have most of my dreams in color and dreams where particular colors are important.

2)Are you able to realize that it's just a dream while you are dreaming?
When or if you do, can you do whatever you want in that dream?

Every so often I can have a dream going along a sort of plot line and it will suddenly go in a direction that seems wrong and that jars me to a point where I become alert enough to redirect it to the way I want to go. I can sometimes also jump from person to person in the dream and play it from different points of view or jump out and just be entirely the "cameraman" for a while.

I want to have a solid flying dream but the closest I get is being able to jump really far - like hill top to hill top.
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