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Columbine (Offline)
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10-09-2010, 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam View Post

Have you ever had a strange dream, and upon waking up you are unable to comprehend what the dream meant?
Perhaps you will be able to find someone to interpret the dream here.
Just post up some of your more peculiar dreams and see what others think of them.

and I've got some questions
would like to ask you.

1)Do you dream in colour, or black and white?
Depends on the dream. Normally it's ordinary colour, sometimes I dream in black and white, sometimes black and white with highlights (eg, anything yellow is in colour, the rest isn't), sometimes it all runs on a monochromatic theme (eg, everything is in shades of blue)

2)Are you able to realize that it's just a dream while you are dreaming?
Almost never. I've had a few dreams where I've clued in that it's just a dream, but they're few and far between and always of one very particular sort. Often I kind of half-realize but I'm busy playing the part of someone else and I want to keep rolling and see where the story goes, so I let the knowledge that it's just a dream slide.

Does anyone else get sensory input during their dreams? I mean like taste, touch, smell, pain, hot, cold etc or is it all limited to visuals for you?

And have you ever died in a dream?
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