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edelweiss (Offline)
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10-09-2010, 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
Does anyone else get sensory input during their dreams? I mean like taste, touch, smell, pain, hot, cold etc or is it all limited to visuals for you?

And have you ever died in a dream?
I've thought about this before, I think what I see while dreaming is vivid to a point where I want to say there was a sense of touch and maybe smell. I've been in places where being hot or cold were an issue but more saw effects than felt them. No sense of taste at all even when eating or drinking. Once I dreamt about eating an ice cream cone, but it tasted so bad I woke up - the whole corner of my pillow was wet like I'd been licking it. >_> So really my pillow did not taste like vanilla ice cream.

I have died in accidents and been killed in dreams but I don't go through with the experience. I jump out of my body into cameraman mode or become someone else.
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