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xYinniex (Offline)
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10-09-2010, 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by CoolNard View Post
Me too, I used to catch American accents all the time on TV as well, but with the range of international contacts I come into, I've a fair share of first-hand experience, too.

I'm no patriot, lol. Maybe the rules of peace and non-harsh-climates make it an ideal country, but I absolutely loathe Singlish and its ugly accent. Lots of mixtures are good but it's one like chilli and milk. I strongly believe language has to be spoken pure, accent and content-wise. I do speak Singlish on a normal basis and perhaps out of habit, and I also sometimes speak English with "twangs of Chinese"; the habit's dying fast though, since I'm dealing with clients from all walks of life, and the fact that I'm trying to get rid of it.

You're from Britain, aren't you? I'd love to hear a British accent with those oriental twangs xD Sounds cute. O.o
LOL. We trade? You record yourself with your singlish or normal accent, and I'll do my british one with chinese twangs. (PM me your Skype!)

I have a friend that does what you does. You Singaporeans are charmeleons at accents. When my friend is around british people, he has a british accent, but when he's around singapore/malaysian people, he HAS this totally totally fobby singlish accent.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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