Originally Posted by CoolNard
Eh... I'm not a Skype user, sorry Should I get one? Why don't we do it over MSN, instead? Is that okay? >.<
Lol, well, we are quite renowned for harboring a variety of races, ethnicities and nationalities, within our very small populace. So Singlish is a kinda blend of everything, a bad one, but a mix nonetheless. So it's not surprising we can accent-hop incognito. It's a natural thing for us to do, we can't help being like the people around us. I've friends that are the same, circumstances sorta pressure us to take on a charmeleon accent when they call for it. O.o
Ahh, I'm using Mac messenger which is a little backwards in comparison to the windows version. =) So Skype is easier for video calling. (Get an account!)
Or you could record your accent and post it here. =) (I think everyone should do this. =))