Thx again for all help and response!
Many of you have really given me alot to think about, and Im thankful for that!
Even if it would seem pointless, just simple encouragements like yours,
tsunami16r, makes a huge difference for my mood!
Thx alot!
I have actually gone a little farther, though in small advancements like having my first fika and lunch with her. Although some other Japanese class mates were with us, it was I who took the initiative for it!
I feel more comfortable in her company now, and it seems like she feels the same. Maybe cause I've held a very friendly and helpful attitude towards her, so usually when there's something she needs help to understand, something in Swedish for example, she turns to me!
Oh and for those who wrote stuff like
"you like the idea of a Japanese girlfriend, you don't like her specifically", I guess you were right. But she's actually very open about herself, nice and easy to talk with, and so on. She's not how I imagined Japanese teens, not shy at all. I like here even more now.