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(#21 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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10-13-2010, 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
After a retry, I got a better result on 17. I don't know if I got the correct Kanji, but I guess I got the gist. It'll be great if anyone can take time to help with this and the rest, which still seems impossible for me to hear clearly. I have the English subtitles, but it doesn't seem to be much of help to me, as they localized quite a lot instead of being literal.

A : ATXチームが敵陣中央を突破。敵艦の直営に接摘しま す。
B : ふむ...コスト度外視の試作機にしては時間が掛かりすぎ る。所詮L5戦役の勝利も幸運に過ぎなかったか?
C : 艦長!ラングレー基地より入電、ケネス・ゲレット司令 です。
If you can do this, you are already as good as or even better than a native speaker. You don't need my help, period.

By the way what does 直営に接摘しま す mean? In my past experience with you, you always told me you only had a small dictionary. How did you find 接摘, which is a technical term most Japanese, myself included, wouldn't even know?
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