10-13-2010, 03:33 PM
I remember when I had a chance to migrate to Australia on a £10 fare. Long long ago-----------
I eventually decided against it-- because I heard that it was really HOT and there were lots of unpleasant insects. LOL.
I think there is more education now about the realities of australia.
Any australians I have met are so very friendly and Open.
I guess much must depend whereabout one lives in such a vast country.
I know property prices have shot up. I know many people who were migrated there as children-- most of them Had awful time-- but that was because of the way they were treated in various HOmes and institutions. The majority remained there and most had good lives apart from not knowing their family back here in UK. Thankfully-- once Margaret Humphreys investigated-- something has at last been done about that. empty cradles is worth reading regarding the former CHild Migrants.
even children born in Australia had very tough experiences in Homes there.
Have you read? Forgotten children by David Hill. That is about the experiences of some of those youngsters who were sent out-- some as young as three years of age. Many were at Pinjarra- Not good news then.
They do say that Australia is the land of opportunity-- don't they?
The novel--------Morgan's Run" by Coleen macCullough was about the way convicts from the UK were treated appallingly in the waiting ships on their way to Australia. She is a great author. "ThornBirds" was famous.
forgive me for rattling on.