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(#14 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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10-13-2010, 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I agree that the problem isn`t a cultural one.

It is bad manners - but worse than bad manners, it`s extremely irresponsible. There are countless reasons you should not have agreed to caring for the kitten - you`re the one at fault and no matter what happens, you will be (and SHOULD be) thought of badly for it.

Cats can live for 20+ years. Even if you`d not been busy with studying and wanting to travel - you`re still pretty unlikely to be able to stay in Japan for 20 years straight from now. What did you plan to do with the cat when you left Japan? Toss it? Cats aren`t all that easy to find homes for, especially once they`ve grown past the cute kitten stage.

If you didn`t bother to think past "Aww, cute!" and have a little responsibility, you fully deserve to have everyone think you`re an awful person.

sorry Nyrorin I think you are way over the top in saying that Miseri is an awful person. haven't you ever made mistakes in your life? I certainly Have.

Miseri must have acted with His/her heart rather than thinking things through properly. No doubt this will be a lesson he or she will not forget. She/he will not be the only person on earth who has done this kind of thing-- without thinking it through-- and surely it was up to the previous owner to have asked the right questions at the time.

so all the blame should not go onto Miseri although I too was very harsh but sorry I think you are also very harsh in saying he/she is a horrible person. thoughtless mAYBE-- BUT AWFUL== no!

Unfortunately many many people take on an animal when they should not.

Maybe YOU could advise where to go if the original owner cannot take the kitten back, as you LIVE in Japan.

I have no idea if there are thousands of feral cats in Japan? 0r what facilities there are for caring for cats and ensuring they are neutered etc.

In this country "UK" we have too many dogs and cats in rescue homes.

It is very common-- too many people take on an animal-- that later they get rid of for various reasons.
are there many stray dogs in Japan?

So lets hope a good permanent home will be found for this kitten.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 10-13-2010 at 09:39 PM.
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